Welcome to the Doral Academy Red Rock Elementary school fees program for 2024-2025 school year. Every School year in the beginning all families will need to be registered into this system.All families need to create a new account with the start of the new school year.
If student has two separate households, please email Carol.currie@doralacademynv.org to have second account added with legal guardian's information. Once you have entered information for your family account, if you forget your username or password, please contact Carol Currie; DO NOT create a new account.
On this site, Elementary parents will pay for the following school fees: lunch, sports, field trips, activities, clubs and fundraisers. All fees MUST be paid in full when placing orders, if not orders will be deleted.
*Unpaid balances may result in exclusion from field trips, sports, activities, clubs. *
Thank you!
If you have any questions, please contact Carol.Currie@doralacademynv.org
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